
    Chcesz do nas dołączyć, ale nie wiesz czy Ci się spodoba? Zapraszamy Cię na specjalną wycieczkę po O4 gdzie pokażemy wszystkie najważniejsze rzeczy i opowiemy Ci o co w tym wszystkim chodzi!

    Nasza ekipa oprowadzi Cię i odpowie na wszelkie pytania. Zapraszamy do nas w ciągu tygodnia, wycieczka trwa około pół godziny :) Zarezerwuj termin:

    Tell us about yourself!

    Lub zadzwoń do nas:
    795 600 982

    COMPETITION – something more than a leaflet

    Are you a student of one of the Tricity’s universities? If so, take part in the competition and prepare a design for a leaflet promoting the development of O4 coworking.

    The contest is for a promotional-informational print, which will include basic information about O4.


    On the leaflet must be included information given in the competition materials. Graphics and the format of the work depend only on your creativity. We will appreciate an innovative approach to design and a reference to the specifics of our place 🙂

    For the winners we will provided a prize – 1000 zł.

    You can submit your work until 11.30.2016. Send it to @: Please remember that the files should in .jpg or .pdf. We will announce the results on the 6th of December 2016. 


    Those who are interested in participating in our COMPETITION, please send an e-mail to:, marked “CONTEST” in the title, and your name. To those who will send an email we will send a return message with a package of information that you need (O4’s mini info and a book with our logos to be included in the project).


    Regulations -> cos-wiecej-niz-ulotka-regulamin-2