
    Chcesz do nas dołączyć, ale nie wiesz czy Ci się spodoba? Zapraszamy Cię na specjalną wycieczkę po O4 gdzie pokażemy wszystkie najważniejsze rzeczy i opowiemy Ci o co w tym wszystkim chodzi!

    Nasza ekipa oprowadzi Cię i odpowie na wszelkie pytania. Zapraszamy do nas w ciągu tygodnia, wycieczka trwa około pół godziny :) Zarezerwuj termin:

    Tell us about yourself!

    Lub zadzwoń do nas:
    795 600 982

    Отличительной чертой сервиса FinGo является предложение займов без отказа. Это значительно упрощает жизнь клиентов, поскольку они могут быть уверены в получении поддержки в критические моменты. Важным аспектом работы компании является стремление к максимальной прозрачности и честности в отношениях с клиентами, что выражается в отсутствии скрытых платежей и комиссий.

    O4 Six

    In brief

    Meeting rooms
    Meeting rooms

    Service for guests at meetings
    Service for guests at meetings

    Prestigious location
    Prestigious location

    Chillout Zone
    Chillout Zone

    Your place of rest and relax

    13th floor
    13th floor

    13th floor

    Meet us

    An office with a view of the entire Tri-City, a real gem among coworkings. A prestigious place that will definitely impress your customers. Chic and elegance is a showcase of this space, and our community manager will take care of your guests.

    In addition to standard office elements such as tailor made space, WiFfi, necessary equipment and hectoliters of coffee, you will find a lot of interesting personalities, many events, workshops and educational projects! At O4, we believe that coworking is not an office, but a way of life!

    Our offer:



    1600 PLN

    Private desk in a shared 4-person office
    Prestigious location
    Community manager support
    Access to space
    24/7 access
    Equipped workplace
    Flexible lease terms
    Concierge / Office support
    Meeting rooms
    WiFi included



    from 1500 PLN
    net per workstation

    Private office space
    Prestigious location
    Community manager support
    Access to space
    24/7 access
    Equipped workplace
    Flexible lease terms
    Concierge / Office support
    Mail pick-up
    Meeting rooms

    These companies have their offices in O4:

    Are you looking for your place to work? Let us know!

    Do you need any help? You’ve come to the right place! Just as every person needs oxygen, every coworking needs their community manager! Paula is waiting for you at Olivia Six! Do you want to know more? Do you want to meet our coworking? Let me know!

    Paula Łaguna

    O4 Community Manager

    +48 795 600 953