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    Young Business Festival – a summary.

    Tricity’s Young Business Festival once again gave an opportunity to young entrepreneurs and economy sympathizers to learn more about running your own business. Participants left the lectures inspired, full of admiration, motivation and willingness to act.

    Large presence of young people, which were not there because of a school duty, but rather with sincere intentions and the need to complete the necessary business information, showed that Polish youth is ambitious, has plans for the future and is determined to pursue them. This is very important especially due to the fact that it is these young people today who are right accumulating experience but in the future they will shape the image of Polish business in the country and internationally. Cooperation between experienced businessmen and young should be cultivated and developing.

    As one of the speakers said: “the safest and most profitable investment is an investment in yourself.” Young people seem to understand these words when entering the labor market with enthusiasm, determination and desire for continuous education, which is motivated not only by the position or earnings, but a sincere desire for self-realization and fulfillment. Such workers are neededboth in Polish and international companies.

    Participants of the festival will admit that the knowledge gained during lectures and talks is exeptional, full of content and fundamental in the context of fulfilling young people’s dreams.

    We hope that the positive effect of investing in the young generation of entrepreneurs will be perceptible while hiring qualified young workers or while observing the rapid development and changes in the Polish business. It will be like that thanks to their ideas, innovation and the introduction of fresh blood to the labor market.
