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    What makes a winner according to Piotr Bucki?

    A winner communicates well in a business environment. A winner gives a good presentation, and makes people remember him. A winner is specific and precise. The art of presenting yourself and your business, as in any other sport, requires training — sets of exercises. This is exactly what Piotr Bucki’s students received during a workshop conducted on the 19th of September.

    Seven hours of training was devoted to business communication, which differs from everyday communication, because it is subject to the hard rules of business. Instead of the usual lecture format, the workshop was interactive, which added tremendous value. After a brief introduction, tasks which taught the participants to give a memorable presentation were distributed. They practiced how to tell a story about their projects and present their successes and experiences. Participants learned that you do not need to be a storytelling genius or have the skills of a graphic designer or video editor to be effective. They did, however, need to understand what they are doing, who the audience is, and which language they would be speaking. Presentation, according to Bucki, is a tool of persuasion, and success is achieved by careful preparation.

    How does Piotr Bucki do it?

    “Tell me something I do not know. Please. In addition, let it be something that will intrigue me enough that I will want to listen to you for 3 minutes. I will devote my cognitive resources, attention and short-term memory. Tell me that kind of something, and immediately there are more chances that I will fall in love. Just do not tell me about it using over-complicated language. Because if I do not understand something I will not be intrigued. I’ll be annoyed.

    You can start well or poorly (intentional banality). A good, strong, intriguing beginning lets you explode from the starting blocks (a banal metaphor, though not very often abused). Certainly it does not guarantee victory, but it certainly helps. With a terrible start, you can still catch up heroically, but it really requires practice and experience. It sounds banal. But it is not very easy to do. “

    Piotr Buckifor 16 years he has been helping people communicate in different areas. He always bases his knowledge on cognitive psychology, neuro-science and psycholinguistics. He puts theory into practice by working with companies in Chile, Slovenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Austria, Australia and Poland. He is the co-author and substantive editor of the Startup Manual (Wolves Summit 2015), author and patron of BuckiAcademy series published by the publishing house 4 Heads (2016). He publishes regularly on InnPoland and the He writes for the Maleman, Dolce Vita, Madame, Marketing in Practice and many others. He has translated 12 books on psychology and counseling. He collaborates with top startup centres in Poland – including LPNT, Starter Incubator, GPNT and PPNT, as well as the largest government program in the world – Startup Chile and incubators in Slovenia and Austria. He performed at Wolves Summit, Davos Communication Forum, PODIM Slovenia, Internet Beta, Social Media Convent, Inspiration Day in Szczecin, PMI Congress in Antwerp and many many other conferences in the country and the world.