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    Virtual Offices – Regulations

    2011_FGG_Regulations of Virtual Office Services
    2011_FGG_Regulations of Virtual Office Services
    Appendix No 1
    Regulations for the provision of “VIRTUAL OFFICE” services as part of O4 Coworking
    These Regulations set forth the rules for the provision of the Virtual Office services by O4 to Users, in various available variants, according to the principles provided for in the Regulations.
    Article 1 [Definitions]
    The definitions used in the Regulations shall have the following meaning:
    a) O4 – Fundacja Gdańsk Global with its registered office in Gdańsk (80-309) at Al. Grunwaldzka 472B, entered to the register of associations and in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk under KRS number 0000421910, NIP: 5842728414, REGON 221711394.
    b) Building – office building with services on the ground floor and an underground garage under the commercial name of “Olivia Gate”, located in Gdańsk at Al. Grunwaldzka 472, which is a part of the Office Complex,
    c) Office Complex – a complex of office buildings under the trade name of Olivia Business Centre, located in Gdańsk at Al. Grunwaldzka 472,
    d) Conference Room – a room intended for holding business meetings separated from the Coworking Space,
    e) Coworking Space – the space located on the first floor of the Building, which O4 is entitled to use under the terms of these Regulations,
    f) Regulations – means these Regulations, as amended from time to time,
    g) Applicant – an entrepreneur within the meaning of the Act of 06 March 2018 – Law of Entrepreneurs (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 646, as amended), registered in the relevant register or records that is interested in the Virtual Office services and has registered in accordance with the rules set out in these Regulations,
    h) User – an entrepreneur within the meaning of the Act of 06 March 2018 – Law of Entrepreneurs (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 646, as amended), registered in the relevant register or records that is interested in the Virtual Office services and who – after registration and verification, entered into a Virtual Office service agreement with O4,
    i) Virtual Office – the service consisting in making available a correspondence address or a registration address for the User’s registered office, offered in various variants, described in detail in the Regulations,
    j) Agreement – the agreement for the provision of Virtual Office services, concluded between the User and O4,
    k) Package – sets of services offered by O4 relating to the Virtual Office,
    l) Desktomy – an Internet platform constituting a Virtual Office management system, used by O4 in order to make documents and information covered with a specific service available to Virtual Office Users. The platform is owned by jest MBT Media Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Katowice.
    Article 2 [Packages]
    Within the Virtual Office services, the User may select the following Packages: PACKAGE NAME/SCOPE OF SERVICES SILVER SILVER+ GOLD GOLD+ PLATINUM
    provision of an address for correspondence
    provision of an e-mail box
    possibility to put the address on advertising materials
    storage of correspondence for up to 3 months

    provision of a registration address for the registered office of the User

    notification of receipt of new correspondence (e-mail or text messages)
    access to the user panel hosted on the Desktomy platform

    handling of incoming correspondence by receipt of mail, scanning the envelope with the sender’s details and making the scan available at Desktomy,

    + (up to 30 pages monthly within the subscription fee)

    maintenance of correspondence records



    handling of incoming correspondence by receipt of mail, scanning the received mail and making the correspondence available at Desktomy,

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    possibility to use maximum 3 hours per month in a currently available Conference Room for office purposes


    Discount for additional conference room rental hours

    The current prices of each Package can be found at
    Article 3 [Registration and verification]

    1. The commencement of the service under the Package selected by the User is possible after the User has performed the following actions:
      a) the Applicant has registered via Desktomy, the link to which can be found on the website, and has filled in the registration form made available there with the Applicant’s current data (including, min. full company name, KRS entry number, NIP No., registered office address; for natural persons also residence address and PESEL No.),
      b) acceptance of these Regulations and the Desktomy Regulations,
      c) selection of a specific Virtual Office package,
      d) initial verification of the Applicant by O4,
      e) in case of a positive verification of the Applicant by O4, concluding an Agreement with O4 for the provision of virtual office services (Appendix No. 1 – template) and a Personal data processing agreement (Appendix No. 3 – template).
    2. Once the Applicant has registered in the Desktomy system, O4 verifies the application in terms of form and substance. The verification will be carried out by persons authorised on behalf of O4.
    3. The Applicant accepts as follows:
      a) A User of the Virtual Office may only be an entrepreneur running a registered business for at least three months before the date of registration on In exceptional circumstances, upon a justified request of the User, O4 may agree to provide the Virtual Office service to entities not yet in business or that have been in business for a shorter period of time than specified above. Such approval may be subject to an obligation on the part of the Applicant to submit additional documents or statements, and to an advance payment of the fee for a period of service specified by O4. The decision in that respect remains solely a discretionary decision of O4.
      b) The User may not carry out a business that coincides with the business pursued by O4.
      c) The User is obliged to carry on its business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, without causing damage to O4, its affiliates or the entities that own the buildings that make up the Office Complex.
      d) The User may not carry out any activity or undertake any actions that may damage the reputation of O4 and the Office Complex.
    4. After registration and positive verification of the Applicant by O4, O4 sends documents to the Applicant’s email address provided by the Applicant in the registration form:
       Agreement for the provision of virtual office services (Appendix No. 1 – template),
       Personal data processing agreement (Appendix No. 3 – template),
       the Regulations,
       – if provided for in the selected Package, an authorisation to receive correspondence on behalf of the Applicant,
       a pro-forma invoice, covering the fee for the first billing period (month) of service provision under the selected Package and the guarantee deposit referred to in Art. 4 (3) of the Regulations (double the monthly fee for the selected Package).
    5. The Applicant, or a person authorised to act on behalf of the Applicant, is obliged to sign:
       Agreement for the provision of virtual office services and Personal data processing agreement – via the Autenti platform (access to which O4 will make available to the Applicant in the sent e-mail message),
       an authorisation to collect correspondence on behalf of the Applicant – by signing the printed copy of the authorisation with a pen under the text of the authorisation and sending it back to the address: Fundacja Gdańsk Global – O4 Coworking Al. Grunwaldzka 472B, 80-309 Gdańsk) or by handing it over personally at the O4 office (against written acknowledgement of receipt).
    6. The applicant is obliged to send the complete documentation to O4, according to the above-mentioned requirements, within two weeks of the date of the above-mentioned e-mail sent by O4 (the date of receipt by O4 is included). The ineffective lapse of the above-mentioned deadline (i.e., failure to carry out one or several or all of the above-mentioned activities, also including the failure to submit documents to O4) shall be deemed as the Applicant’s complete withdrawal from the use of the Virtual Office service.
    7. The Agreement for the provision of virtual office services is concluded by O4 on condition of timely payment of the pro-forma invoice sent by O4, covering the fee for the first billing period (month) of providing services under the selected Package and the guarantee deposit referred to in Art. 4(3) of the Regulations. If the due amount is not paid by the date specified on the pro-forma invoice, the agreement for the provision of virtual office services shall be deemed not to have been concluded, unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing (for example, they extend the payment term). The date on which the amount of the payment is credited to the bank account of O4 shall be deemed the payment date. The User authorises O4 to issue invoices without the recipient’s signature and in electronic form.
    8. In the event of payment of the pro-forma invoice sent by O4, covering the fee for the first billing period (month) of service provision under the selected Package and the deposit referred to in Art. 4(3) of the Regulations, but without fulfilling the conditions referred to in Art. 4(5) above, in particular in the event of non-signing via the Autenti platform of the Agreement for the provision of virtual office services or the Personal data processing agreement or incorrectly signing the authorisation to receive correspondence on behalf of the Applicant or failure to provide the documents to O4), O4 will not commence the provision of Virtual Office services to the Applicant, and the paid amount will be refunded within 30 days of the expiry date of the deadline for fulfilling the conditions referred to in Art. 4(5) above, to the bank account from which the payment was made.
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      Article 4 [General Principles of Service Provision].
    9. The commencement date of the provision of the services under the selected Package – subject to prior payment in full of the amount indicated in the pro forma invoice delivered with the Agreement – is the working day following the delivery to O4 of a correctly signed Agreement by the User together with an authorisation to receive correspondence (if the Package so provides). The authorisation to collect correspondence shall not constitute a postal power of attorney referred to in Article 38(1) et seq. of the Act of 23 November 2012 – Postal Law (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1041, as amended).
    10. On the commencement date of the services under the selected Package, the User will receive the following by e-mail:
      (a) information about the activation of the User’s account and the commencement of the service provision under the selected Package together with the User’s login details to the user panel,
      (b) an invoice confirming that payment has been made on a pro forma invoice basis.
    11. Incoming mail is handled only by authorised O4 staff and the User can only access their correspondence in this way (no direct access to a post box).
    12. The User will be provided access to an individual user panel hosted on the Desktomy platform, where the User will be able to verify the status of incoming correspondence on an ongoing basis. In the case of Silver+, Gold+ and Platinum Packages, documents or information will also be made available on the user’s panel, according to the scope of services provided under the relevant Package.
    13. Before the provision of services is commenced within the selected Package, the User is obliged to pay O4 an amount equal to twice the value of the monthly fee for the provided services as a guarantee deposit which O4 may use to cover claims for damages or fees due for the provision of Virtual Office services. Insofar as the amount of the guarantee deposit paid in the above manner is not used by O4 to cover claims, or is not credited towards fees due to O4 for the provision of the Virtual Office services, it shall be returned to the User within 30 days of receipt by O4 of a request for the return of the deposit provided by the User in the written form, otherwise null and void; however, the User shall be entitled to send the aforementioned request only after the termination of the Agreement. The guarantee deposit shall not earn any interest, in particular any interest for the use of the capital. The User and O4 may also – in the event of termination of the Agreement by the User – agree in writing to credit the provided guarantee deposit amount towards the fees due to O4 for the last 2 (two) billing periods of the provision of Virtual Office services.
    14. In order to carry out the service of collecting postal correspondence by O4, the User is obliged to grant an authorisation in accordance with the wording of Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations. O4 may refuse to accept such authorisation where it has doubts as to its authenticity or correctness. The User may revoke the authorisation at any time. If the authorisation is revoked – from the date of delivery to O4 of the statement of revocation of the authorisation – O4 ceases to provide the service of collecting and scanning correspondence, which does not result in a change to the package or a change to the fees due for it. The authorisation shall expire on the date of termination of the Agreement.
    15. During the term of the Agreement, the User’s mail box will be marked by O4 with the User’s business name or first name and last name, or with the User’s logo made available to O4 for this purpose. The User consents to the placement of its business name or first and last name on the mail box; withdrawal of such consent shall entitle O4 to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. The marking of the mail box with the User’s logo requires a separate consent to O4.
    16. The User acknowledges and accepts that:
      a) it is not entitled to change the use of the mail box, change the lock enabling the opening of the mail box or make any changes to the substance of the mail box,
      b) it may not make the mail box available to any third party without the prior consent of O4, expressed in writing under penalty of invalidity.
    17. In the case of the following packages: SILVER+, GOLD+ and PLATINUM, the authorised staff at the reception desk of the Coworking Space shall keep a current record of the incoming correspondence of the Users. Receipt of correspondence by O4 will be acknowledged by an authorised person’s signature and date. All received correspondence will be immediately transferred to the User’s mail box unless the Package provides for scanning of the correspondence – in which case such transfer will take place after the scan is made.
    18. O4 reserves the right to refuse to accept User incoming correspondence which it suspects to be of illegal content or form. The same right shall apply to O4 in the case of correspondence, the receipt and storage of which involve unreasonable expense or inconvenience. In particular, O4 has the right to refuse to accept incoming correspondence:
      a) whose size exceeds the following dimensions: 40 cm x 29 cm x 24 cm,
      b) which contains hazardous goods, substances dangerous to life or health, live animals or perishable goods,
      c) damaged parcels (including packaging),
      d) correspondence for which the addressee cannot be identified,
      e) if the User’s mail box is full,
      f) which could expose O4 to damage (including reputational damage),
      g) the marketing of which is not permitted by applicable law.
      O4 does not accept postal orders addressed to the User.
    19. The User agrees that in the case of SILVER and SILVER+ packages, correspondence sent against acknowledgement of receipt and sent by registered mail will not be collected by O4 service (request for correspondence advising and leaving an advice note), and the User is obliged to collect it personally from the post office on the basis of the advice note left. The above condition does not apply to courier deliveries.
    20. The User may collect their correspondence only on weekdays between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. – by reporting to the reception desk of the Coworking Space for the purpose of collecting incoming correspondence from authorised O4 personnel against a handover protocol.
    21. The User agrees that it may use the Coworking Space solely for the purpose of receiving incoming correspondence addressed to it, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations. The purchase of a Package (except for Platinum)
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      does not entitle the User to use the Coworking Space for any other purpose, including in particular meetings, use of office equipment (including the User’s own).
    22. O4 reserves the right to limit the availability of the Coworking Space and its functionalities at times and to the extent it chooses of which it is obliged to give prior notice on the O4 website.
    23. Mailing address and address for registration purposes. The User acknowledges and accepts that it is entitled to use the address of O4 (i.e., Al. Grunwaldzka 472, 80-309 Gdańsk, “Olivia Gate” building – 1st floor) as its business address only if (both conditions have to be met jointly):
      a) The User has opted for a Package which includes the provision of O4’s address as the registration address (SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM), and
      b) where expressly provided for in the Agreement.
      In other cases, the O4 address may be used by the User only as a correspondence address (i.e., not as a business address).
      In the event of termination of the services under the Agreement, the User is obliged to change its registered address immediately, not later than within 14 days, and to inform O4 in writing by forwarding the following to O4:
      a) in the case of sole proprietorships and civil-law partnerships, a copy of a correctly completed and submitted application to the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG), or
      b) in the case of commercial law companies, a copy of a correctly filled in, paid and submitted filing with the National Court Register (KRS).
      In the case of failure to comply with the above obligation (i.e., failure to change the registered office address or to provide a copy of the relevant update filing), the User is obliged to pay a contractual penalty to O4 in the amount of PLN 10,000.00 within 14 days of the expiry date of the deadline to make the change (submitting the updated filing referred to in items a) and b) above). Payment of the contractual penalty shall be without prejudice to the right of O4 to seek compensation in accordance with general principles to cover the entire damage suffered, including the costs incurred by O4 related to notifying CEIDG, or KRS, about the invalidity of the data disclosed in those registers and conducting proceedings to remove O4’s address from the registers as the User’s address.
    24. O4 declares, and the User (Applicant) accepts and makes no objections, that in order to properly deliver the Virtual Office services, O4 cooperates with service providers to supply and operate external business support systems. Those include in particular:
      a) Desktomy,
      b) Autenti – a platform for exchange and authorisation of documents on the Internet; the owner of the platform is Autenti Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poznań;
      c) infakt – a mobile accounting system, used in particular as an invoicing programme; the owner of the system is inFakt Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Kraków,
      and that therefore all documents and information made available to the User (Applicant) through the aforementioned systems in order to properly carry out the Virtual Office services are directed to the User (Applicant) on behalf of O4.
      Article 5 [Payment]
    25. Payment of fee due for the provision of Virtual Office services shall be made in advance, for each calendar month, on the basis of a pro forma invoice issued. Once payment has been made, the User will receive an invoice.
    26. The User authorises O4 to issue pro forma invoices without the recipient’s signature and in electronic form. Pro forma invoices and invoices will be sent to the User electronically, to the User’s e-mail address specified during the registration procedure. Pro forma invoices covering the next billing period will be issued and sent to the User in the middle of the current billing period. Payments shall be made within 7 (seven) days of the date on which the pro forma invoice is sent.
    27. Failure to make payment for the delivered pro forma invoice (in full or in part) within the specified period results in O4 ceasing to provide the Virtual Office services for the User starting from the next billing period.
    28. Payments (e.g., by bank transfer and with bank cards) shall be made using the payment system of Blue Media S.A. with its registered office in Sopot (81-718), ul. Powstańców Warszawy 6, KRS No. 0000320590, NIP 585-13-51-185, REGON 191781561, subject to the provisions of the regulations valid from time to time, available at For the purpose and within the scope of executing and servicing such payments, Blue Media S.A. processes personal data of persons making payments on instructions of O4 – subject to such persons providing their separate consent on the payment website.
    29. The User may also make payment by bank transfer to O4’s bank account held with Santander Bank Polska S.A., number 64 1090 1102 0000 0001 1910 5154.
      Article 6 [Term of the Agreement. Termination of the Agreement]
    30. This Agreement is entered into for an unspecified period of time.
    31. Either Party may terminate the Agreement by the User giving a 3-month notice, and O4 – 1-month notice, provided that in the case of the following packages: GOLD/GOLD+/PLATINUM, the User may terminate the Agreement after 12 months of the date of conclusion of the Agreement. To be effective, termination of the Agreement must be made in writing or sent by e-mail (by sending an e-mail from the address for correspondence and delivery with the User, containing:
       a relevant clear statement by a person authorised to act on behalf of the User, or
       a scan of the termination notice signed by the persons authorised to act on behalf of the User, or
       a termination notice signed by the persons authorised to act on behalf of the User with an electronic signature verifiable with a valid qualified certificate).
    32. Upon termination/expiration (for whatever reason) of the Agreement, the authorisation to collect the User’s correspondence by O4 (all persons specified in the authorisation) is also terminated.
    33. O4 may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect (i.e., without any notice) and cease further provision of Virtual Office services in the following instances:
      a) when O4 obtains information, has a suspicion or doubt related to the following:
       the User carries out a business that coincides with the business pursued by O4;
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       the User’s activity does not comply with the law or the Regulations;
       the User carries out any activity or undertakes any actions or activities that may be harmful to the good name, including the reputation of O4 and its affiliates or entities that own the buildings comprising the Office Complex;
       the data provided by the Applicant during registration may be inaccurate or invalid
      b) when the User is late in paying all or part of the fees due for the services provided,
      c) if the User grossly or persistently breaches the obligations set out in the Agreement or the Regulations, or fails to comply with the rules set out in the Regulations,
      d) opening of liquidation of the User,
      e) if the User withdraws their consent to the processing of personal data to the extent necessary for the proper performance of the Agreement.
      O4 shall send a notice of termination of the Agreement in this manner to the User via the e-mail address provided for communication purposes (such termination shall take place on the next business day after the e-mail message has been sent).
    34. The Agreement shall be automatically terminated in the following circumstances:
      a. the User discontinues its business activity; the User shall notify O4 of such discontinuation, specifying the date of discontinuation of the User’s business;
      b. on the date of the User is declared bankrupt.
      Article 7 [Liability]
      The User acknowledges and accepts that:
      a) it is obliged to collect the correspondence within two weeks of receipt thereof by an authorised O4 Coworking staff member. O4 shall not be held liable for any correspondence that is not collected by the User within that period. O4 shall be entitled to charge the User for the costs of storing correspondence not collected by the User within three months of delivery.
      b) The User and O4 may agree in writing that O4 will send the correspondence addressed to the User and received by O4 by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, whereby the User shall be obliged to cover O4’s costs connected with handling the preparation and sending of the correspondence and to pay O4 an advance on account of those costs in the amount not lower than PLN 100.00 (PLN one hundred).
      c) If the User fails to collect the correspondence addressed to it within 3 (three) months of the date of receipt thereof by authorised O4 personnel, O4 may – after sending an e-mail to the User to collect the correspondence and setting an additional 7-day period for the purpose, and indicating that after the ineffective expiry of such additional period, it will carry out a destruction of the collected correspondence addressed to the User which will be recorded in a destruction protocol. A scan of the protocol will be sent to the User’s e-mail address.
      d) O4 is not bound by the secrecy of correspondence in cases where it results from universally applicable legal provisions or obligations towards competent public authorities or other bodies such as courts, police, etc.
      e) O4 shall in no case be obliged to compensate the User for any damage incurred due to non-compliance with the Regulations, in particular O4 shall not be responsible for the correspondence referred to in Art. 4(10) of the Regulations.
      f) O4 shall not be held liable for any acts or omissions of others or for the misuse of its services. Furthermore, O4 shall not be held liable in any way for any acts or omissions of postal or courier service providers delivering correspondence.
      g) O4 does not guarantee the correctness and admissibility and, in particular, does not assume any responsibility for the provision of the address of O4 by the User, in particular for purposes related to the registration of taxpayers, including VAT payers (also in the case of selecting the SILVER, GOLD and PLATINUM package). The indication of the address by the User is based on their autonomous decision and they release O4 from any responsibility in that respect.
      h) Any liability of O4 in connection with the verification of the Applicant’s application, execution of the Agreement concluded on the basis of these Regulations, receipt, scanning, sending, forwarding and storing of the User’s correspondence and in any other case connected with the provision of the Virtual Office services is limited to the amount of two-month fee for the package selected by the User (Applicant);
      i) The User shall be at full risk – within the limits of its possession – for loss of property, damage or destruction of the Coworking Space, including in particular its furnishings and multimedia equipment, and shall be liable to O4 for damage to the common spaces of the Building, floor and common spaces of the Office Complex caused by itself, its staff, persons it has used or whose services it has used;
      j) If the User causes damage to O4, O4 shall be entitled to perform the actions necessary to restore the original condition of the Coworking Space, the common spaces of the Building, the floor and the common spaces of the Office Complex by O4 itself, at the expense and risk of the User, without the need to obtain any court authorisation referred to in Article 480 of the Civil Code.
      Article 8 [Information on personal data processing]
    35. Data Controller. The Controller of your personal data is Fundacja Gdańsk Global with its registered office in Gdańsk (80-309) at Al. Grunwaldzka 472, entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs and to the Register of Associations, Other Social and Professional Organisations, Foundations and Independent Public Health Care Institutions under KRS No. 0000421910, holding NIP 5842728414 and REGON 221711394 (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”).
    36. Obtaining Information on personal data processing. In all matters relating to the processing of personal data, please contact the Controller at the contact details set out in section 1 above.
    37. The purpose of personal data processing and the legal bases. The controller will process your personal data for the following purposes:
      a) to conclude or perform the Agreement concluded with you for the provision of Virtual Office services, as defined by the provisions of the Regulations, pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter the “Regulation”),
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      b) to comply with legal obligations incumbent on the Controller, in particular the preparation, maintenance and archiving of accounting or tax documents, pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) of the Regulation,
      c) to establish, preserve or pursue claims by the Controller in connection with its operations, the Agreement concluded with you, or to establish the Controller’s liability, or to defend against claims brought against the Controller, before law enforcement or judicial authorities, in criminal, civil or administrative proceedings, including tax proceedings, pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation,
      d) to market of the Controller’s own products or services, to keep statistics and to improve the Controller’s electronic services, pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation.
    38. Disclosure of personal data (recipients of personal data). Your personal data may be shared by the Administrator with:
      a) entities processing data on behalf of the Controller, including: entities used by the Controller or entrusted by it with the performance of activities within the scope of its business activity, entities to whom the Controller entrusted the processing of personal data, entities providing tax, accounting, advisory, auditing, legal, technical or IT services for the Controller, suppliers of external systems supporting the Controller’s activity,
      (b) other controllers that process personal data on their own behalf, including: entities providing courier, postal, payment or banking services, business partners providing services within the framework of the office complex named the Olivia Business Centre, located in Gdańsk at al. Grunwaldzka 472, entities acquiring receivables, competent entities and bodies to which the Controller is obliged or authorised to disclose personal data on the basis of applicable legislation, including law enforcement, judicial, administrative bodies.
    39. Storage period of personal data. The duration of storage of personal data depends on the legal basis and the purpose of the processing, taking into account the principle of accountability. In view of the above, your personal data will be stored for the following periods:
      a) personal data processed for the purpose of concluding or performing the Agreement concluded with you for the provision of the Virtual Office services, including electronic services, as defined in the provisions of the Regulations – for the term of validity of this Agreement, and after its termination for the period necessary to fulfil the legal obligation incumbent upon the Controller and the period in which the Controller can bear the legal consequences of non-fulfilment of this obligation or for the period specified in point 5.c) below,
      b) in case of the processing of personal data for the purpose of complying with a legal obligation to which the Controller is subject, for the period necessary for the fulfilment of this obligation and the period during which the Controller can bear the legal consequences of non-fulfilment of this obligation,
      c) for the time necessary to establish, secure or assert claims by the Controller in connection with the performed activity, the Agreement concluded with you, or to establish the Controller’s liability, or to defend against claims made against the Controller, before law enforcement authorities or judicial bodies, in criminal, civil or administrative proceedings, taking into account the periods of limitation set forth in the applicable legislation,
      d) in the case of personal data processed for the purpose of marketing the Controller’s own products or services, keeping statistics and improving electronic services – until an effective objection is made.
      In the case of personal data processed for different purposes or on different grounds of processing for which there are different storage periods, the total duration of storage of such personal data will not be longer than the storage period which is the last to expire.
    40. Available rights. In connection with the processing of your personal data by the Controller, you have the following rights:
      a) the right to access your personal data,
      b) the right to have your personal data rectified,
      (c) the right to have personal data deleted (the right to be forgotten),
      d) the right to have the processing of the personal data restricted,
      e) the right to the portability of personal data to another controller,
      f) right to object to data processing, including profiling,
      g) the right to withdraw consent where the Controller processes your personal data on the basis of a consent, at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of such consent before its withdrawal,
      h) the right to file complaints to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office when you find that the processing of your personal data breaches the provisions of the Regulations.
    41. Automated decision-making, including profiling. No automated decision-making or profiling within the meaning of Article 22 of the Regulation takes place when your personal data is processed. This means that you are not subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which could produce legal effects for you or significantly affect you in a similar manner.
    42. Requirement to provide data. If required by law, the Controller may require you to provide certain personal data, for example in order to comply with obligations incumbent upon the Controller. In other cases, providing personal data is voluntary, although it may be necessary in order to conclude or execute the Agreement on provision of the Virtual Office services and electronic services specified in the provisions of the Regulations.
      Article 9 [Final provisions]
    43. The User must comply with the internal rules and regulations of the Office Complex and the O4 Coworking space Regulations.
    44. Users and Applicants shall be bound by the Regulations as in force on the relevant date. O4 reserves the right to amend the Regulations at any time. A new version of the Regulations shall be made available each time with at least 7-day notice on the O4 website and shall be binding for all Users and Applicants as from the date specified therein. If the User does not agree with the planned modifications to the Regulations, it has the right to object to the planned modifications of the Regulations by filing an objection before the new provisions of the Regulations come into force under pain of nullity:
      (a) in writing, or
      (b) via e-mail (by sending an e-mail from the address for communication and delivery with the User, containing:
      2011_FGG_Regulations of Virtual Office Services
      2011_FGG_Regulations of Virtual Office Services
       a relevant clear statement by a person authorised to act on behalf of the User, or
       a scan of the objection notice signed by the persons authorised to act on behalf of the User, or
       an objection notice signed by the persons authorised to act on behalf of the User with an electronic signature verifiable with a valid qualified certificate).
      If an effective objection to the planned modifications is made:
      (a) the proposed amendment to the Regulations shall come into force as of the date indicated therein; however, it shall not apply to the User who successfully submitted an objection (it shall be bound by the previous text of the Regulations);
      (b) The Agreement of a User who has successfully made an objection shall terminate at the end of the billing period following the end of the billing period during which the objection was made, O4 shall cease further provision of Virtual Office services on that date and the User shall, until the date of termination of Virtual Office services, be obliged to pay the fees due to O4 for the entire period of the provision of Virtual Office services.
    45. The person who fills in the registration form on behalf of the User or concludes the Agreement and the Personal data processing agreement on behalf of the User (whose signature is affixed under the Agreement), acknowledges that he/she should have the appropriate authorisation to act in the name and on behalf of the User in concluding and performing the above-mentioned Agreements, and in the case of the lack of an appropriate authorisation and the User’s refusal to confirm the Agreement, the person who concluded the above-mentioned Agreements on behalf of the User, shall be obliged to remedy any damage suffered by O4, including the payment of fees due, and shall be liable for any damage in the same way as the User (the provisions of the Agreement and the Regulations apply directly to him/her).
    46. The User and the Applicant have the right to submit complaints in writing to O4. O4 will review such complaints within 30 days of receipt; however, the lack of a response to the complaint within the specified period does not constitute an acknowledgement of the validity of the User’s (Applicant’s) claims.
    47. If it is not possible to resolve such dispute amicably, the court for the city of Gdańsk (competent according to the registered office of O4) will have jurisdiction to resolve the dispute.
    48. The Regulations are available in the O4 registration system and at the reception of the Coworking Space.
    49. In all matters not provided for in this Agreement, the provisions of the law, in particular of the Civil Code shall apply.
    50. The Regulations come into force on 01 December 2020.