
    Chcesz do nas dołączyć, ale nie wiesz czy Ci się spodoba? Zapraszamy Cię na specjalną wycieczkę po O4 gdzie pokażemy wszystkie najważniejsze rzeczy i opowiemy Ci o co w tym wszystkim chodzi!

    Nasza ekipa oprowadzi Cię i odpowie na wszelkie pytania. Zapraszamy do nas w ciągu tygodnia, wycieczka trwa około pół godziny :) Zarezerwuj termin:

    Tell us about yourself!

    Lub zadzwoń do nas:
    795 600 982


    On October the 25th we celebrate the Day of creating the Protection of Animals Act in Poland. Taking this opportunity, we have encouraged our residents to show off their pets. It turned out that a lot of you do not have any animals at at home and those who do, however, are more likely to choose cats. There were even two ferrets and only two dogs. On the wall behind the O4’s reception we have created a small gallery of all the pictures you have send and because of that you can still admire your pets whenever you want.

    The biggest attention attracted probably the smallest of the cats – charming black Czaruś:)


    Photographs provided by you certainly will be with us for a long time, and if someone else wants to share – we will increase our gallery so do not hesitate and send us a photo!