
    Chcesz do nas dołączyć, ale nie wiesz czy Ci się spodoba? Zapraszamy Cię na specjalną wycieczkę po O4 gdzie pokażemy wszystkie najważniejsze rzeczy i opowiemy Ci o co w tym wszystkim chodzi!

    Nasza ekipa oprowadzi Cię i odpowie na wszelkie pytania. Zapraszamy do nas w ciągu tygodnia, wycieczka trwa około pół godziny :) Zarezerwuj termin:

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    Lub zadzwoń do nas:
    795 600 982

    School supplies for children – a donation!

    Next Thursday, the school year will begin, and thousands of children in the Tri-city area will spent the next 10 months on school benches. All of the necessary equipment will cost even several hundred złoty per child, which may be more than their parents can afford. O4 together with Thinking Zone secondary school decided to organize a collection of stationery for children in need.

    Throughout the week we encourage you to participate in the donation and to bring any materials that can be useful for the kids, for example, notebooks, crayons, markers, paints, rubbers, adhesives, plasticine, rulers, compasses, pencil boxes and… pens and pencils.

    After the collection, all of the gathered materials will be donated to children in need from nearby schools, we will keep you informed.

    The collection box will be located at the reception.