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    Nasza ekipa oprowadzi Cię i odpowie na wszelkie pytania. Zapraszamy do nas w ciągu tygodnia, wycieczka trwa około pół godziny :) Zarezerwuj termin:

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    Get motivated!

    On Thursday, 25th of August, we learned that “you get what you expect, not what you want.” Ireneusz Osiński, who conducted the workshop, showed us how important our subconscious is, and how we can program it.
    This depends on us – for example, how we start the day, what happens during the day, and can determine whether we fulfil our goals. We also spoke about the fact that habits determine our lives. If we do things consistently by using them every day, our motivation and effectiveness will increase, thus improving the quality of our lives. And this is what we want – to live better, fuller, happier lives, with each dat a positive challenge. In summary, Ireneusz said: “Every adversity creates new opportunities” – they only need to be seen and used.

    How does one do this? Here are 3 of possibilities:

    1. Start each day by reading something positive for 5-10 minutes, for example, the biography of a successful person.
    2. Keep an “emotional journal” – write the date, situations, associated emotions, your reaction and the effect which this reaction brought – you will understand where you make mistakes in relations with people and how to improve them.
    3. Write down your goals, both professional and private – only the things on paper exist!

    Finally, some suggestions for your morning motivational reading, collected from Ireneusz and the workshop participants:

    “The power of your subconscious mind” Joseph Murphy
    “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Dale Carnegie
    “My life and work” Henry Ford

    Have a good and productive day!