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    Blue Dot Solutions in O4 Q&A.

    They are the only company in Poland that is participating in almost all the major industry events, such as the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) or the European Space Policy.

    Blue Dot Solutions also develops its own products using satellite data. They are also involved in the program Space3ac, which we wrote about last week.

    We know most about: the usage of satellite data space technologies.
    What others can learn from us: how the space sector works, how to implement the projects, how to start a business.
    Our biggest success is: our involvement in the European Space Agency’s projects.
    Our ideal client is: a person/company who wants to start a business in the Polish space sector. Someone who wants to get fundings for projects in this sector.
    Our plans for the future? We want to grow, participate in as many projects related to the space sector as we can and expand.
    Outside of work, our passion is: space – our job is also our passion.

    Where are they: O4/Floor 1/Room 1.12