
    Chcesz do nas dołączyć, ale nie wiesz czy Ci się spodoba? Zapraszamy Cię na specjalną wycieczkę po O4 gdzie pokażemy wszystkie najważniejsze rzeczy i opowiemy Ci o co w tym wszystkim chodzi!

    Nasza ekipa oprowadzi Cię i odpowie na wszelkie pytania. Zapraszamy do nas w ciągu tygodnia, wycieczka trwa około pół godziny :) Zarezerwuj termin:

    Tell us about yourself!

    Lub zadzwoń do nas:
    795 600 982


    Black Pearls VC is an investment fund established to support the development of Polish innovations. It is a team of creative, dynamic and experienced professionals working together to develop innovation. The team consists of Polish and international experts with interdisciplinary competences. They rely on close co-operation between science and business. Their key motto is: Smart Business Ventures.

    What we do: changing the world for the better by supporting the development of technologies that improve the quality of life.
    We are best in: in the implementation of innovations for the company to achieve market success.
    Our biggest success is: that with all the success we still want more.
    Our ideal client is: a one that has a great idea, a team and the desire to succeed.
    Our plans for the future? Keep on growing.
    Outside of work, our passion is: each of us has a different passion, because we are a team of individuals. Varietas delectat ?


    Where are they: O4/Floor 1/Room 1.8