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    Tell us about yourself!

    Lub zadzwoń do nas:
    795 600 982

    Barona in O4 Q&A.

    Barona is the largest provider of employment and one of the biggest companies in Finland. It also supports customers in Sweden, Russia, Estonia and Poland. Its activities include both temporary and permanent recruitment as well as outsourcing services. The company’s most important task is to support clients in the recruitment process, usually at a senior level.

    We know most about: the recruitment process in every field – in Barona, every employee is dedicated to a different industry. We work in a flexible and effective way, using innovative tools (see video on the recruitment process).
    What others can learn from us: communication, mutual support, ethics, organizing skills in all professional duties, so that they do not interfere with private life.
    Our biggest success is: the continuous development of the company and customer satisfaction. Thanks to our work, clients can focus on their business, while we help them in finding the most talented people.
    Our ideal client is: the one who understands that communication is the most important factor in cooperation between companies.
    Our plans for the future? Further development of course. We want to stand out even more in the Tri-City market and in Poland.
    Outside of work, our passion is: sport. We like jogging and group activities such as power pump or crossfit.

    Where are they: O4/Floor 1/Room 1.14