This report was to be prepared in 2020. But 2020 did not favour repeatability and business as usual. And usually in the spring O4 Coworking issued another report on coworking in Poland. This one was almost ready – but March came and most of the data became outdated or irrelevant. Back then, in spring, everyone wondered who would survive this hecatomb in business. In the world of offices, coworking spaces and their customers. We decided to postpone the publication and use this extremely difficult time to talk to the Residents in an even more human way. With our Residents and Residents of our coworking friends. All the more that the statement, promoted by O4 for years, that the competitor to a coworking space is not another coworking space but home has become truer than ever before. Could anything show this more vividly than the massive, top-down order for hundreds of thousands of people to switch to work in their private living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms?
What You will find in the report?
Shock of 2020 – Office? Home? Flex?
Polish Co-workers – because there are a lot of them and they are very different!
- Being your own boss – freelancer
- Boss-owner of a small several-person company
- Employee close with the boss
- Team manager – with a remote head office
- Being your own man
Coworking in numbers – as befits a report!
- People vs Business
- How to convince clients?
Several dry (for some) and fleshy (for others) data
- Age
- Gender
- Roles in business
- Industries and professions
- Regulars or loose relationship
- Cities vs towns
Interviews with the masters – because it it worth listening to those who are wiser
- Steve Munroe – UBUD Bali
- Joanna Gomułkiewicz – Knight Frank
- Tomasz Węglarz – Biuro na miarę
- Pauline Rousell – Coworkies
Main conclusions – what you should know!
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