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    795 600 982

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    The main objective of creating a European Network of mentors that will tutor Spanish Entrepreneurs in order reinforce their international business strategy of their newly created firm and/or make their business grow/accelerate glocaly, this is at a local level but under a global perspective. Thus, a stronger European dimension of their business will be achieved.

    European Coworkings EOI” is the main action that Fundación EOI will undertake to achieve the objectives described in Axis 7: “Transnational Cooperation” and Investment Priority 8.3: “Promoting self-employment, entrepreneurial spirit and creation of enterprises, including innovative Micro, Small and Medium enterprises.”

    The project addresses the Specific Objective: 8.3.1:

    “To promote mutual learning among Member States in order to better entrepreneurial competencies and increase the creation of sustainable enterprises and self-employment initiatives, improving quality and efficiency of the support and consolidation services.“

    We expect from the Project to become a good example of collaboration and experience sharing across borders, as a useful way to access new ideas, innovative approaches and skills, as the European Commission and Member States alike are renewing their efforts to support transnational cooperation under the ESF policies.

    It’s a plasure to host 3 new members from Spain.

    Víctor García Montero

    I have a master’s degree in Law majoring in Corporate Law from the Garrigues Studies Center. I also studied courses at the University of Genoa and at the University of Oxford.

    After over a year working in the Corporate department of the law firm ONTIER, I decided to combine my passions for business and food and launch GoFoodie. It is a space designed by and for foodies, so that they can discover and share the best places to eat and their favorite dishes. It’s the perfect excuse to continue enjoying food experiences!

    During my university studies I took part in Erasmus in the Genoa where I had the chance to go out of my comfort zo
    ne, meet lots of students and professionals from different European countries, and learn about their cultures.

    That experience was very important, it made me realize that the world was much small than I imagined, and that barriers are normally mental, and that you can learn from all countries and cultures.

    When I finished Erasmus I was certain that I should make the most of any international experience that came my way. That is why I worked as a volunteer for the Erasmus Student Network, and once I started working as a lawyer I studied a course on Anglo-Saxon law at Oxford University.

    My time as an entrepreneur was not going to be any different. In fact, GoFoodie is a project which is ideal for internalization, so when I came across the EOI European Coworking 2nd edition, I did not hesitate and signed up. I was certain that there was a lot I could learn from colleagues and other European countries about adapting our product, and I was not wrong.

    Regarding O4 Coworking, I was fascinated by you video presentation on It seemed like the perfect environment to develop the daily tasks of a Startup, (i) a nurtured and disciplined group of entrepreneurs,, (ii) a comfortable work space, (iii) community events..

    Regarding Poland, I have been lucky enough to have been here various times and have many good Polish friends. It is a country that I like to live in because of the people and food. I think it is a good place to test GoFoodie since it has a high number of tourists who miss out on the essence of the local dishes. We’re going to try to ensure that tourists do not leave Poland without having tried a real pierogi or a good zurek.

    My expectations were to find a nice space to work where I could meet other entrepreneurs and learn from them about the local market and their work methods. I have to say that my expectations have been met during this week and that I am very happy with my choice.

    I think that O4 offers excellent facilities for any entrepreneur, with a great WiFi connection, comfortable work space, a kitchen and even table football!

    But its biggest asset is the large number of Startups, ment, rs and entrepreneurs that it hosts. It is an ideal space to meet great professionals and learn from them. I highly recommend it.

    I would like to say goodbye by thanking you for the opportunity to answer these questions. Do not hesitate to contact me at



    Adriana Sánchez Arriaga

    We are an eco-friendly online accessories store. Who is based on innovative concepts like zero-waste design techniques, eco-friendly adhesives, silver hardware with a high recycling capacity and materials already recycled or with a extremely low environmental footprint.

    ÁRITY would like to contribute on the development of a green movement on accessories. The international character of the EOI is key to achieve ÁRITY objectives. We were looking forward to participate, learn, and make a business network in European Coworking EOI.Being in this kin of programs is very important for entrepreneur.